Jesus Booth Ministries
A Street Evangelism Outreach Ministry focused on sharing the gospel, providing prayer, and supporting individuals in need through prayer and fellowship.
What We Do
The ministry currently operates in downtown Oklahoma City (Bricktown), engaging in conversations about faith, sharing the Good News through tracts, and praying for various personal and spiritual needs of the people that Jesus Booth team members encounter. The ministry also hosts Bible studies and encourages continuous prayer support from its community.
Help Support What We Do
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Summer 2024 Evangelism Line Up
Bricktown Oklahoma City, EMBARK Bus Station, The Day Center, and more…
Jesus Booth Team Members of All Ages
Painting a Jesus Portrait in Public
Taking the Gospel to the Nations
Sharing the Good News at UCLA
Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc.
9913 Lancet Lane
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Mon - Thu : 8am–6pm
Fri-Sat : 11am–10pm
Sun : The Lord's Day