Jesus Booth - Serving the Community for Over 2,000 Years

Outreach/Family Devotion – OKC Bus Station

I was encouraged to check out a teaching series on the priorities of our acts of devotion to God, which simply explains how serving others, loving the least of these is priority and how I should be leading my family in these things.  This was one of those teachings I really embraced and really desired to know how to carry this out as a family.  I sought the Lord and really wanted a great idea from Him.

The answer I received ended up being fairly simple. It’s just me, Sally and the kids heating up a bunch of burritos from the grocery store and the five of us going to the bus station, walking around and offering burritos, bottles of water and a choice of hot or mild hot sauce to them. Of course we offer Jesus cards and Bibles as well.

The Lord helping us find this avenue of service, we now call the Burrito Ministry, has really been fulfilling and a blessing for us.  We are working on keeping it as a consistent part of our family “devotion”

 Until next time…

Just show up and God does amazing things!

Romans 10:13-16

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