Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc. serving the Community for over 2000 years.

Don’t All Religions Lead to God?

Discover How Jesus Booth Ministries Benefits the Community

Questions and Answers from Jesus Booth

Do all roads lead to Jerusalem? The truth is God can reach any one who is earnestly seeking Him. The Jew, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Buddhist, or whatever, is not beyond the reach of God. The question is the motive of the heart. All religions however, do not teach that Jesus is the only way to salvation. In fact all religions, excluding Christianity, are based on achievement not faith. They profess that it is something that must be earned and that it is not the free gift of God. The Bereans were a people who desperately wanted to know the truth about what they were being told regarding Jesus. They searched the scriptures night and day and agreed that He was indeed the Christ, the salvation of mankind as the scriptures had foretold about.

People Need Prayer ... We're Here for You

Connecting hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit through prayer, offering hope and encouragement to everyone we meet.

Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc.

9913 Lancet Lane
Oklahoma City, OK 73120



Mon - Thu : 8am–6pm

Fri-Sat : 11am–10pm

Sun : The Lord's Day