Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc. serving the Community for over 2000 years.


Discover How Jesus Booth Ministries Benefits the Community

Pre-Assembly Instructions

  1. First, cut all 7 PVC poles into 21 equal length segments, each measuring exactly 40″.
  2. Take one of the poles and glue the 8 pieces of 3/4″ x 1/2″ Male Adapters to the ends of each pole (1 per pole).
  3. Take eight 40″ poles and eight 3/4″ Elbows with 1/2″ side outlet and glue 1 to each Pole. Note: All must face the same direction.
  4. Take 2 PVC poles … four 3/4″ Tees and glue to four open ends.
  5. Take 2 PVC poles and four 3/4″ stop caps and glue to the ends.
  6. Now take a pole with 1/2″ drill bit and drill through end of the cap and PVC pole approximately 1 inch down the length of the pole. This is for the nylon cord.
  7. Take 4 pieces of clothesline or 1/4″ nylon cord and cut into 1 foot long pieces. Feed 1 piece through each end of the poles with slip cap and tie a knot.
  8. Now you are ready to assemble.
Pastor Nathan Gunn in the Jesus Booth on 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica, CA

Our Story

A few years ago, a group of us felt called to start this ministry. We set up our first Jesus Booth at the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, California—a bustling area filled with shops, restaurants, and street performers. We were delighted by the public’s positive response, especially from non-believers.

Since then, Jesus Booth Ministry has expanded. We now have booths at the Fox Hills Mall in Culver City, California, and in Edinburgh, Scotland. We’re planning to set up more booths in Berkeley, Hollywood, Irvine, Venice Beach, Loyola Marymount University, and UCLA, with the goal of reaching even more communities.

People Need Prayer ... We're Here for You

Connecting hearts and minds to the Holy Spirit through prayer, offering hope and encouragement to everyone we meet.

Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc.

9913 Lancet Lane
Oklahoma City, OK 73120



Mon - Thu : 8am–6pm

Fri-Sat : 11am–10pm

Sun : The Lord's Day