Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc. serving the Community for over 2000 years.

What Does Islam Teach?

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Islam teaches that there is only one God, but their god, Allah, is totally different from the God of the Bible, so they cannot be the same God!  Let’s look at Islam as compared to Christianity.





One God revealed in the Bible as Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit.  Within the one  “Essence” of the
Godhead there are three Persons who are co-equally and
co-eternally God.  Matt. 3:13-17; Matt.
28:19; I Tim. 3:16



There is no god but Allah – the God. The Koran teaches
that Allah does not have a son.  Koran, Surah 4:171



Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, one with the Father.
He is the sinless Redeemer of all mankind through His
vicarious death on the cross and resurrection from the
dead.  John 1:12-14; Hebrews 4:15; I Peter
3:18; I Cor. 15:3-4



Jesus Christ was only a man, a prophet a prophet equal
to Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses, all of whom are below
Mohammed in importance. Christ did not die for man’s
sins, in fact, Judas was substituted for Jesus on the
Cross.  Koran, Surah 4:157



Sin is proud, independent, rebellion
against God in active or passive form.  Romans 1:18-23; Romans
3:10 & 23; Isaiah 53:6




Sin is failure to do Allah’s will, failure to do one’s
religious duties as outlined In the Five Pillars of



Salvation is received by faith in believing that Jesus
Christ, God’s Son, died for our sins on the cross, according
to God’s word, the Bible. I Corinthians 15:3-4, Romans



Man earns his own salvation, pays for his own sins.
Koran, Surah 4:111


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Jesus Booth Ministries, Inc.

9913 Lancet Lane
Oklahoma City, OK 73120



Mon - Thu : 8am–6pm

Fri-Sat : 11am–10pm

Sun : The Lord's Day