Jesus Booth - Serving the Community for Over 2,000 Years

Written by Gunn

Outreach~OKC Bus Station~Mon. January 11, 2016

Hello! Today I had so many wonderful encounters. There was one lady in particular. We both agreed with the gospel and how grand it is. As we were talking someone overheard us and ended up joining our conversation. As the three of us talked one of the ladies noticed the other had a brace on her knee and she suggested we pray. So the two of us prayed for her knee believing that the doctors appointment she was having the next day would prove to show a miracle. Once again wonderful divine appointments and another reminder that I just need to show up and God totally sets me up with another awesome day of opportunities to share the love of Christ with those at the Oklahoma City Bus Station.


Until next time…

Just show up and God does amazing things!

Romans 10:13-16

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